
Game Preview 3/31/2010 vs. LA Clippers

Announcement to NBA Players:
Don't Play for the Clippers. Just don't do it. I'm not a doctor, but consider me your doctor right now. DO NOT PLAY FOR THE CLIPPERS. It is a medically unsound choice. Blake Griffin, you had a chance. You could have demanded a trade elsewhere, you could have said "nope, not doing it, never" and just moved on. You chose to embrace playing for the Clippers, and see what happened? 

I'm not going to go into the list of #1 draft picks that have been career alteringly injured. (yes, I made up the word alteringly) I am not going to go through the list of busts. I will simply point to a certain youtube link of poor Shaun Livingston. (really don't watch that if you're squeamish) Shaun got drafted by the Clippers, started to show his potential, and then BAM, he became a true Clipper destroying his ACL, MCL, PCL, Lateral Miniscus, and dislocating his Kneecap and his tibia-femoral joint.   I think what I am trying to say to NBA Players is if you ever stumble across this blog. If you are ever weighing a free agent decision. You may be offered more money to play for the Clippers. You may have to choose between the Clippers and overseas. All I can say is that the D-League and Idaho looks a lot better than the picture in the top left. Do your ACL a favor. Stay away from the Clippers.

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